Originally released in June of 2003, MC Spatula’s Backdoor Assassins: A Platw Remixes (Extended Edition) compiles various remixes by members of a forum community created throughout 2002, of a stupid track that I created as a 12 year-old in 2001.

This full-length remix LP contains a diverse array of early-aughts DIY "indie IDM" music, containing what I would describe as everything from techno bangers to abstract harsh digital noise to liquid drum n bass to alt hip-hop. If you are a fan of "alternative electronic music" from this period, there's something on this record that may resonate with you.

I was eager to tackle this project because I wanted a reason to create a liner notes booklet, and this record posed a great opportunity to involve other people and talk about things bigger than just my music. Things like netlabels, and Soulseek, and mailing CD-Rs across the world to each other. The ephemera of life on the early 2000s internet and the community it fostered.

So, in addition to completing a restoration of the original tracks from low quality mp3s in the Summer of 2023, I reached out to as many people as I could find, gathered their thoughts about the old days, and compiled it together that Fall. Shortly after, I collaborated with my long-time friend and creative partner David Giordano on photography and graphic design for some new artwork. Then, I put all of that into a 22 page digital liner notes booklet that comes with the purchase of the record.

(sample pages below)